Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has a rich legacy behind. Son of former cricketer Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi, Saif is the tenth Nawab in the Pataudi parivaar. However, the actor had to get back his ancestral palace which is worth a staggering Rs 800 crore.
Situated at Gurgaon in Haryana state, the Pataudi palace is built in a sprawling 10 acres with 150 rooms including seven dressing rooms, seven billiard rooms, seven bedrooms and large drawing rooms and dining rooms. However, this palace ran into legal trouble. After the passing away of Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi, the palace was given out on lease to Neemrana hotels till 2014. The palace was leased out to Aman Nath and Francis Wacziarg. And the palace was transformed into a plush star hotel. However, after Francis passed away, Saif had wanted the palace back and much to his shocker, he was asked to pay huge money.
The palace has history, culture, beautiful photographs and land, which Saif doesn’t want to lose. To avoid the legal tangle, Saif said he had spent a huge chunk of his hard-earned money through movies and bought back the Pataudi palace. Saif himself revealed this in his recent interview. He said he has earned everything and “there was no inheritance”.
That’s the story behind Rs 800 crore-worth palace. Recently, Saif and Kareena have spent their eight wedding anniversary at the Pataudi palace.
Tags Bollywood Pataudi Palace Saif Ali Khan